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v 0.1

Custom checkbox and select inputs


How does it work

checkdown.js does not require any other libraries. Simply include 'checkdown.js' in your head tag and all of the checkbox & select inputs will be converted to simple html structures which you can then style using CSS. The input elements will be hidden and their values will be controlled with the new html structures.


When checked the 'checkdown-checkbox' div has a class of 'true'. Use this class to style the different states of the checkbox

As shown with the 'checkbox' class, any classes on the checkbox input will also be added to the generated checkbox html

<input type="checkbox" name="complete" class="checkbox">

is coverted to

<div class="checkdown-checkbox checkbox" data-name="complete">


When open the 'checkdown-dropdown' div has a class of 'open'. Use this class to style the different states of the dropdown.

The default text on the dropdown comes from the placeholder data attribute which you add to the select input.

As shown with the 'dropdown' class, any classes on the select input will also be added to the generated dropdown html.

<select name="colour" class="dropdown" data-placeholder="Choose a colour...">
	<option value="blue">Blue</option>
	<option value="red">Red</option>
	<option value="purple">Purple</option>
	<option value="orange">Orange</option>

is coverted to

<div class='checkdown-dropdown dropdown' data-name="colour">
	<div class='dropdown-toggle'>
		<span>Choose a colour...</span>
		<li data-value="blue">Blue</li>
		<li data-value="red">Red</li>
		<li data-value="purple">Purple</li>
		<li data-value="orange">Orange</li>